Monday, April 11, 2011

To JB, Who Would Be Reading This

Earlier this year my friend JB passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. I saw him for the last time when he asked everyone come to see him on a Sunday nite. He was just home from surgery and said he wanted to keep everyone up to date. When I saw him, he looked sick. But he had just been in surgery and I figured I would see him again soon when he was feeling better, probably sometime after my birthday. My birthday was on a Tuesday about a week later and he died that Thursday.

The very last thing JB and I talked about was this blog. I felt very discouraged about a lack of readers and he assured me that he was reading and that I should continue writing. Well, he passed away so I haven't really felt like writing anything here. Instead I'm just going to share an e-mail exchange JB and I had last year which I love and will remain my favorite memory of my friend.

August 3, 2010 - From: JB Becker

a dream


I had this really shitty dream when I almost killed you. It took place in the house I grew up in and in my dream I was like a serial killer or something. You were for some reason in the bathroom with my sister Julie and for some reason I violently attacked you.

You ended up being OK at the end of the dream (just had like a concussion) but it was weird and unsettling, so, I am just trying to discharge the freakishness of it by telling you about it.

I promise never to attack you in real life.

Best wishes,


August 4, 2010 - From: Michael Herman


My only comment is this. I have a friend who is so kind and gentle-hearted that ALMOST murdering me in a DREAM is overwhelming upsetting. I am lucky to have such a good friend.


August 5, 2010 - From: JB Becker

Thank you Mr. Herman. You know just how to put a friend at ease.


Mark Dennis Anderson said...

Brilliant! Thanks for sharing. I was just chatting with Jason and realized I didn't have JB's (now Jason's) blog listed as one that I'm following. Looking at my list, I saw your post and read it immediately.

I hope this message finds you well. I am excited for the coming summer. Hopefully some outdoor shenanigans will ensue.

Unknown said...

Hi Mike,

I don't know you, but found your link on my brother JBs blog. I am missing him and was hoping to find something to feel connected to him through. Then I read your post about his dream, which I also showed up in. Thanks for posting. Also liked your commentary on stuff white people like. Thanks.


Unknown said...

Thanks for commenting, Julie.