Hey, I haven't made a post in April. Let's do a LOST live blog.
7:56 - Uh, oh. The President is speaking. This may be an abbreviated LOST tonight.
7:59 - Okay, he must've looked at his watch and thought, "Oh, shit. LOST is almost on. I gotta go."
8:00 - I would've loved this show unconditionally if the Obama press conference had been part of the show.
8:03 - Love Jack's period sideburns.
8:04 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - If I had any doubts about "Star Trek" totally sucking, that commercial put them to rest. It's going to TURBO-suck.
8:06 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Forgot to mention the attendance to night: Me and a squeeky-toy-loving Bron-Bron.
8:07 - Destiny? The kid is a piano genius and doesn't know the meaning of "destiny"?
8:11 - See, that's a callback to my comment about that moment in the season premiere.
8:12 - "I'm from the future (and suggest you invest in Apple)."
8:14 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - I did a quick scan earlier this week. There are only seven movies I'll probably see on their first day this summer. Seriously, out of 16 weekends I found 7 films worth seeing. And I was being generous.
8:16 - Miles also has 1997 hair.
8:19 - It's Sean Connery's journal from "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."
8:22 - When the guy who can speak to dead people calls you crazy, you know you're chiquita bananas.
8:23 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Evening Dog Time!
8:27 - Faraday doesn't seem like the most stable of individuals. He's kinda flaky.
8:29 - Cost matters not to Charles Widmore, fool!
8:32 - Bron disappeared upstairs and it's really quiet. Chances I walk upstairs and find she's pooped - 2:1
8:34 - Gah-ross! She's his girlfriend in the future. Now he's talking to the eight-year-old her. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
8:37 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - What's the likelihood you'll get cell phone service in the middle of the woods? Honestly, if I'm some place where I can use my iPhone and I need a compass just leave me.
8:42 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - No dog pile upstairs. I did find a turkey sandwich and a Surly though.
8:45 - Just a flesh wound.
8:47 - Shot by a PHYSICIST?!?! Not a PHYSICIST!!!!
8:49 - Finally some explanation.
8:52 - Okay, I'm on board. I'll do it if it means shit is going to happen.
8:54 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Bron likes to bark when she needs something. It can mean she needs to use the bathroom or it can mean she wants attention. She's the only high-maintenance female I need really.
8:55 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - OMFHGSWINEFLU!!!!1!1!!! Film at 11.
8:58 - Widmore and Faraday's mom? I guess they were sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
8:59 - You shot me, you dick.
9:00 - Thanks, mom. Happy Mother's Day everyone!