Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LOST Live Blog

I didn't watch LOST from the beginning. I tried to catch up a couple of times but each time obfuscation frustrated me. But I am giving the the series another chance since it's ending and one of my favorite comic book writers, Brian K Vaughn (Y: The Last Man, Runaways), is the headwriter. He's very good at bringing his stories to a conclusion so I'm getting on for the rest of the ride. In celebration, I'm going to do a live blog of the season premiere of LOST tonight. Tune in back here as I update this post with my thoughts.

8:00 pm - Okay, I'm "caught up" on the show thanks to that primer show that was just on. Up next is the real deal. Who else is ready?

8:02 pm - I have no idea what's going on.

8:05 pm - I have no idea what's going on.

8:06 pm - Jeremy Davies!

8:10 pm - I have no idea what's going on.

8:11 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Okay, it's a joke. I kinda get what's going on. So far it's a lot of hinting at time travel which is the other reason I'm giving LOST another chance. I love time travel movies and stories. If this is going in that direction and will cross into true sci-fi, I'll see it through.

8:15 pm - Spoiler Alert - Tom Cruise's cousin is in this one.

8:16 pm - "Why did you jump off that boat?" "So I'd have another chance to take off my shirt."

8:18 pm - One complaint I have about this show is when the characters stop and have a conversation purely for plot exposition. If it's important, show it to me and I'll figure it out. LOST has a smart audience.

8:21 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - So what I've heard is this first half hour is supposed to be mind-blowing. As of yet I've been a little disappointed. It seems to be a lot of reveals but not a lot of revelations.

8:23 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - One of the most disorienting things about living in Chicago the last two years is when I came home and I didn't recognize any of the local newscasters. I don't know who any of the KSTP people are save for Dave Dahl. He's like a beacon in the darkness.

8:27 pm - So, if this show is going in a time-travel direction, is there any chance Hiro Nakamura shows up?

8:30 pm - OWWWWWWWW-IE!

8:33 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Is anyone else weirded out by Dakota Fanning? Not anything specific. Just y'know in general.

8:35 pm - Gosh, I really love Jeremy Davies. He's one of those guys who should've had a much better career. I mean, he was in "Saving Private Ryan."

8:38 pm - Here's another complaint. Why can't the show just have characters show up without having their face obscured?

8:41 pm - Is that the triceratops poo from "Jurassic Park"?

8:42 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - One of the things I'm doing during the commercial breaks is making plays on Lexulous (nee Scrabulous). I mention it because there's a really interesting article about Scrabble and its online versions in this week's New Yorker. It's not online but you should check it out, especially if you're a fan of the game.

8:48 pm - Minute forty-eight and Sawyer is still shirtless.

8:49 pm - Ah, yes. The "blood out of the nose" trick. Is it cliche or archetype? You decide.

8:53 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Uhhhhh, nothing to say here. As you were.

8:59 pm - This is what I was hoping for. Let the characters talk amongst themselves and the audience will pick it up.

9:01 pm - Michelle Rodriguez!

9:04 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Okay, wtf is with the pig in the mall? It's memorable but still I don't know if it makes me want to buy their product. I do have to admit they put a pretty good button on it to remind you what the product is and therefore it's actually a good effort.

9:07 pm - And Sawyer finds a shirt.

9:10 pm - I think I see a very successful "Weekend at Sayid's" franchise spin-off with potential.

9:15 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Okay, so Sayid was calling Locke "Bentham". And anyone who appreciates the very wierd knows Jeremy Bentham asked in his will to be preserved and placed on display at either Oxford or Cambridge. Now Ben is a little dodgy about whether "Bentham" is really dead. Hmmmmm...

9:18 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - I was completely off-base. It's University College London.

9:22 pm - "It's like 'The Godfather.' They smother you with pillows and make it look like an accident."

9:24 pm - Mmmmm, mangoes. I love mangoes and could eat the shet out of one right now.

9:25 pm - Ah, the "headache" trick. Is it cliche or archetype? I'd like to see someone just once move through time and come out on the other side with a lot of ear wax.

9:26 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Okay, so I'm doing well in one of the two games I'm playing against my ex-roommate Brian and just getting slaughtered in the other. I'm really good at getting at least 20 points each turn and Brian is really good at getting at least 20 points each turn AND bingo at least once a game.

9:33 pm - "Everything is going to make sense. I promise." It better.

9:35 pm - "You mean 'Take care of her?' take-care-of-her?"

9:38 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Is it okay I find those Comcast Triple Play commercials annoying but like the Of Montreal song at the end? I know Kevin Barnes gets a lot of crap for licensing his songs out for commercials. But they are good songs.

9:43 pm - Yes! More characters talking between themselves. I'm not feeling as frustrated by all of this.

9:45 pm - Thank God for mothers. What kind of mother wouldn't believe her son in that situation? If I told my mom everything Hurley just said, she'd believe me even if she was the only person who believed me. Yay Hurley's mom!

9:48 pm - COMMERCIAL BREAK - There are a few movies coming up which I should be superbly pumped to see. I'm pretty sure "Watchmen" is going to be good. I'm waiting to see about "Terminator: Salvation." But what to think about this new "Friday the 13th" movie? I mean, I saw the recent "Halloween" movie and it didn't set a good precedent.

9:52 pm - "Hoooooooooot Pockets"

9:55 pm - Bigger badass: Locke or Chuck Norris? I think it's a toss-up.

9:57 pm - What the ...? Who is that lady?

9:58 pm - I have no idea what's going on.


Anonymous said...

I literally said "Weekend at Bernie's!" when Hurley put those sunglasses on Sayid! Did you watch the 1-hour catch-up episode? I'm totally out of the LOST loop, but I've seen the 8:15 catch up and Season 4 on DVD, and the catch-up last night helped a lot. It is a bat-shit crazy show, as indicated by your commentary.

Unknown said...

I did watch the one hour catch-up. So I knew what was going on for the most part. I think what I may need to do is just concentrate on the Oceanic 6 plus Locke and Ben while the rest of it just falls into place.

Christian said...

I haven't even watched this show since the beginning of the second season, but well done, sir. You were Bill Simmons-esque at times.