Wednesday, February 18, 2009

LOST Live Blog

Guess who is home this Wednesday night in time for LOST? Let's do this.

7:59 - An attendance tonight: Dan, myself and a sleeping Bron-Bron.

8:00 - Jack wakes up on the island. I think I've seen this one before.

8:02 - The part they didn't show you is when Hurley let Leonardo DiCaprio sink just a moment beforehand.

8:03 - Can I just say I like flash-forwards better than I like flashbacks? It's like seeing something on the horizon and getting to walk to it.

8:05 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - I have a small bone of contention. So out of all of the people Ben was trying to recruit to come back to the island, he went to Jack, Sayid and Hurley. Then the only person who actually went with Ben was Jack while Sun is in this weird showdown and Desmond Hume more or less just showed up. How was Ben the leader of The Others for so long? I mean, wouldn't it be necessary to win people over to your side at least once?

8:09 - "Is he telling the truth?" One of those things that if you need to ask...

8:10 - "Okay, guys there are all of these 'pockets' and one of them is a tropical island." "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say we should try to find the one which is a tropical island."

8:12 - See what I mean about having something to work towards?

8:13 - Err, Desmond. I think it's been obvious for a while that Ben is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

8:14 - Or land in Guam.

8:15 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Is anyone else really fired up for "Watchmen"? It's getting so close they're running the short commercials now.

8:18 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - By George, Dennis Leary will sell Smallz a truck with a step if they have to mail it to him.

8:19 - Have we established whether Locke's legs work yet?

8:20 - A very good summation about watching the rest of this show.

8:24 - Okay, who's that guy?

8:22 - Ben: Dropping some knowledge on Jack.

8:25 - Oddly enough her name WAS Freckles.

8:28 - Kiss 'er. Kiss 'er.

8:29 - YES!

8:30 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Doctor or God? Wasn't there an Alec Baldwin movie about that?

8:33 - Ah, yes. The venerable Coffee of Shame.

8:35 - You know when you think the bully from your school was the BAAAADDDEST dude around and then you see him get beat up? Yeah.

8:37 - I mean, it's obvious Locke's legs don't work now when he's dead.

8:38 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - So I got a new phone today. It has a QWERTY board and everything. If you think I sent a lot of text messages before... Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!

8:41 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Would you actually hold a friend to a "... I'll marry a goat." I mean, there needs to be an acceptable substitute like a slug in the arm. But to make him actually marry a goat?

8:44 - Hurley! Buying up the plane like Daddy Warbucks. Anyone remember that part in "Annie"? Anyone?

8:46 - "What will happen to the other people?" "Who cares?" Ben!

8:49 - Doesn't Frank LaPetis sound like the type of name you'd write down on the attendance sheet when there was substitute?

8:51 - And how exactly does a surgeon get to know an airline pilot very well? Doesn't that seem unlikely?

8:52 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - Having Dan here pays off. Frank is apparently the helicopter pilot. Again, I ask...

8:54 - COMMERCIAL BREAK - How nice is it to see Nathan Fillion getting cast in other stuff? I mean, even meaningless mid-season replacements.

8:55 - Do you think the LOST writers just sit around and think up one-liners for Ben to zing Jack with?

8:56 - Well, now that you put it that way...

8:59 - Ah, yes. It's not where you are, it's when.


Unknown said...

Frank Lapidus (lapidas- stone)

Unknown said...

Not being a grammar nazi or anything- that returning character was the only real "Huh? Wow!" moment for me tonight.

Brad Holmgren said...

I think I'm gonna tune into your blog for a minute by minute synopsis of the show I just finished watching. Very entertaining to hear the Herman take to everything.